Give a new life to waste.

5 R’s of Sustainability - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle

Collect more waste. Earn more Green Points for your institution.

‘Joy of Green’ (हरित उमंग) - E Waste Management

With a focus on E-Waste management disposal and responsible recycling, the ‘Joy of Green Olympiad’ - हरित उमंग will promote responsible e-waste disposal through safe and scientific recycling. The program will empower institutions and communities with effective waste management policies.

Discard your E-Waste responsibly!

Register for the ‘Joy of Green’ Olympiad to represent your institution at a national level and lead the green initiatives of efficient E-waste management. Live the Joy of Green with Panasonic.

'Lead a responsible life!’'

What is this theme all about?

The purpose of Panasonic’s ‘E- Waste Management’ is to enable a community of students and citizens who can engage in responsible E-Waste disposal initiatives. The initiative is especially focused on E-Waste management. Through this theme, Panasonic India’s ‘Joy of Green’ Olympiad will reinforce the ideas of 5 R’s - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle.

How to participate and get recognition

The schools and RWAs will participate in this theme of “Joy of Green Olympiad” to develop practices of responsible e-waste disposal and management in their respective communities. The participants will commit towards opportunities for sensitization of e-waste hazards and aim towards maximum collection of e-waste for safe disposal. The Joy of Green Initiative will support in ensuring safe recycling of e-waste collected. Creating Zero plastic zones is another area of engagement under this theme.

Possible Suggestions

Creating E-Waste Zones
  • Collecting E-Waste from various sources
  • Creation of E-Cafes for waste disposal and collection
  • Promotion of responsible recycling of waste in designated zones
Following Zero Plastic Practices
  • Engaging schools and neighbourhood communities in reducing usage of plastic
  • Creation of E-Cafes for waste disposal and collection

Other  themes