Give a new life to waste.

5 R’s of Sustainability - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle

Collect more waste. Earn more Green Points for your institution.

‘Joy of Green’ (हरित उमंग) - Plastic Waste Management

With a focus on plastic waste management and responsible recycling, the ‘Joy of Green Olympiad’ - हरित उमंग will promote responsible zero plastic usage. The program will empower institutions and communities with effective plastic waste management policies. Green Ambassadors of this program will ensure zero waste economy.

Join them in making earth healthy and beautiful once again.

We love to recycle, do you?

Register for the ‘Joy of Green’ Olympiad to represent your institution at a national level and lead the green initiatives of efficient waste management. Live the Joy of Green with Panasonic.

'Live Your Best'

What is this theme all about?

The purpose of Panasonic’s ‘Plastic Waste Management’ is to enable a community of students and citizens who can engage in responsible zero plastic initiatives. The initiative is especially focused on Plastic Waste management. Through this theme, Panasonic India’s ‘Joy of Green’ Olympiad will reinforce the ideas of 5 R’s - Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle.

How to participate and get recognition

The schools and RWAs will participate in this theme of “Joy of Green Olympiad” to develop practices of responsible e-waste disposal and management in their respective communities. The participants will commit towards opportunities for sensitization of e-waste hazards and aim towards maximum collection of e-waste for safe disposal. The Joy of Green Initiative will support in ensuring safe recycling of e-waste collected. Creating Zero plastic zones is another area of engagement under this theme.

Possible Suggestions

Creating E-Waste Zones
  • Collecting E-Waste from various sources
  • Creation of E-Cafes for waste disposal and collection
  • Promotion of responsible recycling of waste in designated zones
Following Zero Plastic Practices
  • Engaging schools and neighbourhood communities in reducing usage of plastic
  • Creation of E-Cafes for waste disposal and collection

Other  themes